What is myoline?
Myoline is a non-conventional treatment of aligning teeth in a holistic way by guiding the growth of jaws during the child’s growth phase. The well-known options of teeth or jaw alignment involve waiting until the age of 14 or for eruption of all permanent teeth to be treated. With Myoline, the younger the child is diagnosed with a malocclusion or dysfunction, the sooner the treatment is initiated. Myoline works on the foundation of Myofunctional therapy where the jaws are oro facial muscles are trained and worked on to help achieve ideal jaw growth.

With Myoline, the primary focus is on the cause behind the malalignment rather than focusing just on how crooked the teeth are. Muscles are considered to be the biggest parameters that influence the shape and size of jaws which invariably leads to the availability of space for teeth. Myoline works on retraining the muscles that are compensating the growth of jaws and alignment of teeth through exercises, thereby eliminating the root cause of the problem.
The signs and symptoms of dysfunctional muscles and inadequate jaw growth are evident at an age as young as 3 years. However, when done right, Myoline can be followed by all age groups

Timing matters- When looking into a child's dental alignment, early diagnosis and intervention is better know as Preventive approach. The earlier a child is assessed the better options for prevention.
• When we start early we can pick up the child’s growth as early as 3 years of age where we can prevent the problem rather than treating it around the age of 14.
• Since the treatment doesn't have any restrictions around food , daily routine or schedules, it can be easily accommodated by a child.
• The child will have to wear removable appliances that can be easily done by them at home. The process doesn't affect a child's social life or will not alter any their activities

Poor Myofunctional habits or dysfunctions such as poor chewing, mouth breathing , open mouth posture, tongue thrusting are as deleterious as other oral habits like Thumbsucking, nail biting, lip biting.
On occurrence of these dysfunctions the muscles of the tongue, lips and cheeks are compromised on their functions.
These muscles that are used for basic oral needs have a larger impact on the jaws and teeth.
With Myoline, after assessing the dysfunctions, oral exercises are taught to relax and relieve these muscles from improper functioning thus helping to restore a balance in the muscle and jaw structures.
On training muscles during the growth phase, a child benefits from rectifying from the root cause and also preventing a relapse once they get older. It is a treatment protocol that is similar to learning a sport, the better the muscles are trained, the more lasting the changes.
Treating and correcting these poor myofunctional habits is highly important as research shows the position of the teeth id determined by the lips and tongue. Hence making these small efforts by oral therapies can align the teeth naturally and doesn’t require the complicated orthodontic treatment. Myoline for children targets the under lying causes of crooked teeth as soon as the signs are evident, while the child’s growth adaptation is more. Improving these improper myofunctional habits at an early stage allows the kid to have a good teeth alignment and improved jaw growth. Myoline for adults targets more on the retainer phase after the alignment phase to prevent relapse. The myofunctional therapy is done on adults as well to eliminate the negative effect of the surrounding muscles on the jaws which causes the relapse. The treatment progress and results highly depends on patients cooperation.
Habits correction
Arch correction
Teeth alignment
Crooked teeth can be prevented if we look at our basic survival skills from a holistic perspective. Prevention begins at a birth for a child and these are few changes that could help with well - defined face and jaws. Extended and exclusive breast feeding Encourage nasal breathing Introduction to textured foods at an early age Avoid use of bottles for fluids Encourage proper meal times Encourage chewing of food