It is a chronic non communicable disease which can be corrected by lifestyle modification in case of diet and oromuscular habits in a child as young as 5 years old results in naturally straight teeth
Q. Is protruded teeth the only malocclusion which we have to notice?
No, protruded teeth are not only the malocclusion. It includes
Open bite – space in between the upper and lower teeth
Deep bite – upper front teeth excessively overlaps the bottom or lower teeth
Crowding -irregularly arranged teeth in either upper or lower jaw
Crossbite– the upper teeth is either close to the tongue or the lower teeth close to the cheeks and lips. Also called underbite.
Q. Crooked teeth if left untreated what will happen?
No, if left untreated will lead to improper chewing (chew dysfunction). It causes excess wear and tear on gums,teeth and jaw bone and decayed teeth. excessive force on TMJ muscle leads to TMJ disorder, chronic head ache, ear and neck pain etc. Constant force on gums due to improper force end up in gum recession eventually cause periodontal problem and bone loss at a later point.
Q. Is hereditary the only reason for crooked teeth?
6 out of 10 children at this generation are ending up with crooked teeth which is more evident from 5 yrs of age. we can’t blame only genetics, apart from which poor growth of jaws, oral restrictions and other oromuscular habits also plays a major role which together with genetics we call it as epigenetic factors.
Q. who can treat a child with OMT
Orofacial myologists (orofacial myofunctional therapists) who have undergone special training to evaluate and treat orofacial muscular dysfunction and problems. They also have undergone professional training which includes speech-language pathology and well versed in functional tongue analysis
Q. What is orofacial muscular dysfunction and how soon it can be corrected?
muscular dysfunction leads to a disturbance in normal dental alignment. The disturbance involves tongue, ips and cheek muscles results in abnormal growth of jaw bone >compromised airway>crooked teeth.OMT was introduced to potential root cause , normalise the tongue posture, optimisation of normal growth, naturally aligned straight teeth.
OMT might benefit those children who suffer with few symptoms such as mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, sleep disturbance, oral restrictions(tongue and lip tie), thumb sucking etc as young as 5 years old.
It depends on the concern,dental problems,bone density, root cause, compliance of the child to wear the appliance and do the myofunctional activities however it can be finished in a span of 12-24 months.
Q. Does the child require traditional braces even after OMT?
The sooner we intervene better will be the result. mostly when we correct the root cause the teeth aligns naturally where the relapse rate is 99./. lesser the child might not require braces. however few children when they cross the age if the alignment takes its own time and if compliance is not achieved for final corrections braces may be required.
instead of focusing only on straight teeth mechanically, OMT helps in correcting the underlying cause(tongue posture,swallow and breathing) where the jaw grows to the optimal size which helps in providing a space for the permanent teeth to align naturally.
Q. Who really can deliver Myofunctional Orofacial Therapy?
An interdisciplinary team, comprising speech-language pathologists, otolaryngologists, orthodontists, dentists, dental hygienists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, kinesiotherapists and others, supports the stomatognathic program.The health-care system of each country is different, with one specialty having different levels of leadership roles. Speech pathologists may play a leading role in some countries where another specialty such as physical therapy or dental hygiene may play a more prominent role in others.It's a genuinely interdisciplinary treatment, with input from many disciplines, each according to their own field of practice. Completing further training in Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy and abiding by local laws in the country in which they live is the responsibility of the practitioner.
Q. How do breathing through the mouth cause changes in the mouth & face structure?
Maintaining an open mouth posture can cause: dry and chapped lips, short and fast breathing; decreased muscle strength of the lips , cheeks, jaw and tongue; decreased oral rest posture of the tongue, leading to changes in aesthetics and teeth / occlusion position (improper teeth fit); elongated face of the tongue,mandible retruded, and palate ("mouth roof") being narrower and / or deeper.
Q. What are the main problems that may be induced by breathing through the mouth during sleep?
A person may have some of these characteristics when sleeping with the mouth open: restless sleep, snoring, headaches, drooling on the pillow, awakening thirst, sleepiness in the morning, sleep apnea (breathing interruptions during sleep), and decreased blood oxygen saturation.
Q. What are the main learning disadvantages caused by breathing with the mouth?
Previously explained sleep disturbances can generate agitation, anxiety, impatience, lower levels of alertness, impulsiveness and discouragement.All of these changes can cause difficulties in children with attention , concentration, memory issues and subsequent learning difficulties. Mouth respiration may be more detrimental to learning during the critical periods of a child's development.
Tongue-tie is a popular term used to describe a common condition which is often undetected. It occurs during pregnancy when there remains at the bottom of the tongue a small portion of tissue which should disappear during the development of the infant, restricting its movement. It is important to study other family members when an infant is born with a tongue-tie, as this modification has a genetic effect.
Q. How & when is it supposed to handle tongue-tie?
A small surgery or frenotomy in the tongue is indicated when the tongue can not perform all the necessary moves and thus jeopardizes the way it sucks, swallows, chews or speaks.Frenum "cut" in infants is a simple procedure performed with scissors, scalpel, or laser and anesthetic gel that lasts about five minutes. The most common treatment in older children and adults is frenectomy (partial removal of the lingual frenulum).
Q. Who can detect tongue-tie presence?
A specialist in Orofacial Myofunciotnal Therapy should be well suited to detect a tongue-tie as they should know about the lingual frenulum as well as the neonate 's normal sucking method. In the case of infants, there may also be a pediatrician and a lactation consultant.
Q. Does snoring cause obstructive sleep apnea?
Yes, the muscles of the mouth and throat are becoming larger due to constant vibration, which can result in changes in scale, width and thickness. That can contribute to the appearance of total or partial breathing obstruction during sleep.